The 'Problem Scalp' Drugstore Shampoo For Me!

I have a weirdo scalp. It's not attractive, but it gets itchy and it burns and I loose a good amount of hair. I haven't been able to dye my hair in almost a year which is rubbish, but I've been warned that if I do, I risk having no hair at all. Gah!

Fear not, I don't have nits or the plague. I have very mild eczema which affects my scalp. It comes and goes in phases but it means I've tried everything from prescribed shampoo, to Tgel to Coconut Oil and every shampoo you can find on the shelves. Nothing stops my scalp from burning or feeling like every hair weighs a stone in weight.

I saw the Garnier Ultimate Blends Shampoo "The Ultimate Soother" Delicate Oat shampoo advertised on the television one day and it's key selling point was that it is ideal for delicate scalps, so obvs, I ran out (fast walked...) and bought it to try out. I've been using it for a few weeks now (2 or 3 times a week) and I'm super impressed.

I've actually been and bought about 3 extra bottles as a backup in case they decide to discontinue it for whatever reason haha! This feels like my scalp has had a massage and when it's rinsed out, smells amazing and cleans the hair really well. I don't have a burning scalp when I've used this either which is a relief. I use this about 2/3 times per week (I'm not allowed to wash it any more than that - docs orders!) and I actually feel like my scalp is on the road to recovery!

Aside from that, It costs less than £2 right now in Superdrug (it's on offer). I haven't tried out the conditioner or spray thing because I've been told to use as little product as possible. Ugh. Sucks.

Have you found any products that work well for your scalp (gahh I do hate that word!) Let me know in the comments, I'd love to try out new things in case this stops working for whatever reason!

H x


  1. I REALLY want to try the body lotion of this set. Oat milk works wonders for my skin. I don't have any specific conditions or skin problems but it can be quite sensitive and itch with product use but oat milk has been so handy for me. I might give the shampoo and conditioner a go after I've finished testing my current ones but I only wash my hair 1-2 times a week so it lasts me forever!

    Fab post Holly. Glad you've found something to help :) Burning is NOT good. Ouch!

    RebeccaJane xo


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