Jane Plan - Week 1 Diary & Results

In case you didn't know, I'm doing Jane Plan. I explained it all in a previous post if you fancy a read.

This is my day by day diary of the past week and at the bottom of the post I will insert how much weight I've lost.

Mushroom Soup. I make a salad from Peppers, Spinach & Cucumber

PS - TMI, I've had my period this week. Keep that in mind!

PPS - If you want to get £25 off your first box, enter code HOLLYFIRST at checkout on Jane Plan.

Day 1 

What a day! So my Jane plan arrived today at roughly 10.15am by which point I’d already had breakfast which was bran flakes and a coffee. When it arrived I started rummaging through everything and was pretty impressed by how much food there was! I thought everything would be super small but actually it’s not. 

So for lunch I opted for the broccoli and cheese soup. This came in a huge pouch and being honest, I couldn’t fit everything in my bowl! I don’t like blue cheese or broccoli so I was a bit hesitant about this. It smells amazing but for me, it was really cheesy which for cheesy fans is definitely a good thing! For me though I couldn’t finish it. 

For dinner I opted for the chicken with coconut, turmeric and ginger. It was BEAUTIFUL. I was still eating after others had finished their ‘regular’ meals and by 9pm I wasn’t desperate to eat something for a change. 

With that said, I’m trying to keep my eating similar to the rest of my family so when they had some biscuits and coffee, I opted for the pepper oatcakes and water. Genuinely, these were the nicest oatcakes I’ve ever tried! They look small but I don’t feel hungry in the slightest. 

In terms of how I feel, I feel full of energy, proud of myself for sticking to the plan and excited for tomorrow. With that said, I’ve also felt really nervous. I’m putting a lot of hold on this and I know it will work, but I’ve never known how to be anything other than the weight I am now. Sure, as a child I weighed less but I mean as an adult. It’s daunting. Exciting but daunting. 

Also as today is my first day, it’s weigh in day. Dum dum dummmmm

I’m definitely not ready to share my weight with you just yet, but I will be sharing how much I’ve lost in weight and in inches. I’ll reveal my weight as soon as I feel comfortable to. 

I really hope that’s ok! So far so good! I was hungry this afternoon but that’s because I didn’t finish the soup and I didn’t make myself any salad to go with it. Rookie mistake! So far I haven’t felt the need to re-download the ‘just eat’ app so I think that for day one, it’s a win! 

Day Two


I’ve never needed to Pee so much in my life. The fact I’m not drinking coffee with sugar means I’m drinking a lot of water and lemon. I really enjoy it, but I think Andrex are enjoying it more considering I’m peeing so much I’m keeping them in business! TMI? What did you expect on my blog!?

Toffee & pecan granola


Curried sweet potato soup 


Chicken korma. 

I feel happy and not hungry but have had a sore head. 

In the evening I found I felt a bit lightheaded and hungry. I ate one of the snacks to help but still feel a bit off.  I’ve had a stressful day so it’s likely contributed. 

All in all a really successful day. Happy with how things are going and feel proud of myself. 

Day Three 

I’m nervous today. I’m going out tonight for a couple of drinks (some slimline vodka tonics for me - more about this in a sec..).  

I don’t drink often and when I do, it’s not usually to excess. I’ve said since I started that in order for me to sustain this, I’m taking a Saturday ‘off’ and I’m allowing myself to have a few drinks every second Friday. The only issue is that drinking often triggers the impulse to eat my body weight in pizza and this has worried me a bit today.

I also went for a 1.5 mile walk today to help with any extra calories I consume tonight.

Today I’ve eaten:

Breakfast: Classic Muesli & coffee

Lunch: tuna pasta salad

Dinner: Janes favourite Fish & Rice

As night falls (dum dum dummmmmm), the girls and I are having a few drinks. Much to my shock, I didn’t even think about food and I limited my alcohol intake.  (4 vodkas and diet lemonade). I was home by 12.30am and had a great night knowing that I didn’t go outwith my plan. I feel pretty proud of myself. 

Calorie wise, despite the drinks I'm still under 1300 calories.  

Day Four

It’s my day off! 

I’ve decided to stick to ‘sensible’ eating throughout the day. 

For breakfast, I had the Jane plan toffee & pecan granola. 

I went out to lunch with my sisters (we do this every Saturday before we take our wee nana for some shopping) and went to one of our favourite spots.

To be honest, it was so tempting to get a baguette, with a huge portion of chips and onion rings which I would normally have had. 

I decided this time I would have a baguette (chicken, peppers & onion WITHOUT cheese). The baguette came with chips and my sister accidentally got extra chips. Guess what? I DIDNT EAT THE CHIPS!!! I didn’t order onion rings or a full fat drink either. I was more than satisfied with the lunch I had and I knew I didn’t need to feel guilty for my choice. 

Then came dinner. 

Every Saturday night, my family cooks a buffet of food which is full of goodies. Nothing was fried and no meat was consumed. I only eat chicken and my family is vegetarian so meat isn’t an issue. 

It was my night off and I’ve maintained that I will carry on with this unless I see it’s stopping me from losing weight. If I think it’s affecting the scales, I’ll scale back on what I consume.

I didn’t consume alcohol and stuck to Diet Coke. Throughout the week all I’ve drank is water, one coffee a day and lemon & ginger tea. 

I feel really good. I know I deserve a day off but I also know that I need to be mindful. My family all have a good drink on a Saturday night and on a Sunday too. 
I don’t drink on either night so it’s not a big deal but what I am worried about is tomorrow. 

Sunday’s are the same worldwide, comfort food galore! 

Day Five

Happy Sunday! 

My sister just asked if I wanted toast and peanut butter or the Jane plan granola. I wasn’t even tempted to say toast, I instantly opted for the granola and I feel so good about myself for it. 

Everyone else is being mindful of my plan and are really supportive so I don’t need to worry too much about there being food in front of me. 

Lunch is last nights leftovers... for everyone else! I’m having the vegetable soup from Jane plan. 

I can’t deny that I’m a bit envious of my slim sisters munching on a flourie bap and vol au vents but this is about the bigger picture and although I’m sad not to be eating the same as everyone else, I know I’m doing this for me, my body and my future. 

I’ve also come to realise that the lightheadedness and headaches I was getting were PMS. I have polycystic ovaries which causes a lot of pain and discomfort during my period but also for a week or so beforehand I get symptoms that suck. 

It’s going to be interesting to see how I manage this week throughout my period. Sorry if this is all TMI but I feel it’s important to be honest about the good and bad of my ‘journey’. 

I’ll talk a bit more about it as I progress throughout the week. 

Tonight’s dinner is a curry from Jane plan. I haven’t had my snack today deliberately. Tonight my family are likely to have food (crisps or cheese on biscuits). I’m going to have my snack at that point to stop any cravings (or at least to minimise them!)

Day Six

It's Monday! I actually quite like a Monday. I like that it's a day for new beginnings and the old way is behind us.

For the first time in a really long time, I'm not 'starting fresh'. I don't need to! I just need to carry on with what I'm doing and incorporating more fruit/veg and exercise. I'm pretty sure those on top of my super clean diet is a winning combination.

Today I ate:

Branberry Muesli with a dash of semi skimmed milk
A ginger snap & Coffee

Salmon with Dill salad (which is delicious!)

Chicken Korma 

JANE PLAN SNACK: Salted Almonds

I loved this dinner. Everything is full of flavour and I haven't felt hungry at all despite being on my periods.

Day Seven

Today is a stressful day. I've had a lottttt of work to do, had a little cry when my cat knocked over my perfectly arranged flat lay and I had zero sleep last night. Damn you PCOS!

Aside from that, normally I would deal with stress by eating. It's been eye opening seeing how I would normally react to emotional triggers with food.  Moving on to what I've eaten today:

Toffee & Pecan Granola

Leek & Potato Soup

Ginger Snap

Chicken with Coconut & Turmeric



I feel like I've already adapted to Jane Plan and have mentally accepted that this is my diet now. I don't even have cravings or feel hungry despite consuming half the calories I did before. I'm learning and appreciating a new way of living. I feel almost 'lighter' which obviously, after a week is strange to say. 

Today I've had:

Toffee & Pecan Granola

Ginger Snap

Mushroom Soup

Tuna Pasta Bake

Jane Plan biscuit snack

Tomorrow morning is weigh in day. I'm really nervous but also proud because I know that no matter what happens, I've done my absolute best. 


I've lost 9lbs!!!! I am SO happy and know that next week's weigh in will likely be less but I am beyond thrilled.


To everyone who has supported me this week, I am extremely grateful. Thank You!



  1. Well done!! This is my third week on Jane plan, also lost 9lb is my first week, 2lb in week 2 and for some reason I picked up about a 1/4 lb this week :( I was looking at your week 1 diary and wonder if you add any extra fruit and vegetables to your meals? I have approximately 80g of fruit/veg with all my meals plus a fruit mid morning aswell as a small weight watcher yoghurt with my breakfast.


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